Wondering what the adorable picture of a horse and girl is above? Download this free ebook, Hold on to Your Horses by actually clicking on the pic or front cover of the book above. It is one of those children’s books that tells a great story with beautiful pictures; I loved it immediately.
Alexis is really starting to like school. This morning, I walked Alexis just to the cafeteria door. She walked right in and headed to her class's table. As she found her seat, I could see her ponytail bobbing up and down as she began to talk to one of her new friends. I waited at the door to see if she would look back to see if I was still there. For a moment, I thought she did as I began to waive good bye to her. Nope, she was so focused on talking to her new friend.....she was laughing and smiling. Alexis will be learning about the colors: Brown, Red, Blue & Yellow. She already knows her colors though. Each day we pick out an outfit to wear that matches the color they will be learning about for the day. We will begin reading stories each and every night before bed. The stories she will be reading are listed on The Bulletin Board (over there ------>) Two days this week she will be able to bring something for Show & Tell that is the same color as the color of the day. Tomorrow we are going to pick out cleats and shin guards for soccer which starts on Thursday.
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